

©Neil Wyatt


Pineappleweed is an introduced species that has become a widespread 'weed' of disturbed ground, such as pavements and roadsides and gardens. It has feathery leaves and yellow flower heads.

Enw gwyddonol

Matricaria discoidea

Pryd i'w gweld

May to November

Gwybodaeth am rywogaethau


Height: up to 12cm
Introduced, but naturalised species.


The bright green, feathery leaves and yellow flower heads of pineappleweed can be seen on bare, disturbed ground, such as paths and pavements, roadsides and tracks. Introduced into the UK during the late 19th century, its rapid spread has been attributed to the growth of motor transport - the seeds being picked up on tyre treads, along with the mud of the then untarmacked roads, and being deposited miles away as rain washed them off.

Sut i'w hadnabod

Pineappleweed lives up to its name - its crushed leaves have a distinctive pineapple smell. Its leaves are finely divided and feathery, and its yellow, conical flower heads which look remarkably like tiny pineapples appear from May to November. Like the other members of the daisy family, it is a composite flower, so has a flower head made up of lots of individual blooms, but it has no 'ray florets', so appears to have no 'petals'.



Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

Pineappleweed is native to north-east Asia and is thought to have spread to the UK via North America.