Pool system on peat bog, Forsinard, Flow Country, Sutherland, Scotland, June - Mark Hamblin/2020VISION
Climate & Ecological Emergency
We are facing two inextricably linked crises: the climate emergency and the steady decline of nature. We cannot solve one crisis without tackling the other – nature’s recovery is vital for tackling climate change.
Thriving habitats can safely lock up vast amounts of carbon, while providing other vital benefits that help us adapt, such as flood prevention, clean water and improved health and wellbeing.
But nature in the UK is in a damaged, fragmented state, making it much less able to limit or adapt to climate change. Degraded habitats such as peatland and saltmarsh are releasing their stored carbon.
We can feel powerless to alter such global forces but only through concerted effort can we halt the rise in temperatures and mitigate their effects.