Following a serious landslide, part of Dolforwyn Woods is closed to public access. This area remains extremely unsafe, so please be sure to stick to diversions.

Bluebells bring characteristic colour to Dolforwyn Woods Nature Reserve in spring © MWT

Autumn at Dolforwyn Woods Nature Reserve © MWT/Tammy Stretton

Dormouse in Dolforwyn Woods Nature Reserve © Mairi Eyres

Dolforwyn Woods western oakwood in the spring © MWT/Rob Haigh
Dolforwyn Woods
Gwybod cyn i chi fynd
Dogs must be kept on a short lead at all times and not allowed in the water.
Pryd i ymweld
Amseroedd agor
Open at all timesAmser gorau i ymweld
April to June, September to OctoberAm dan y warchodfa
There has been woodland on this hillside for centuries. Unfortunately much of the native wood was cut down to make way for plantation. Lucky for Dolforwyn, this plantation took the form of a great variety of tree species so that, with the remaining pockets of unplanted ancient woodland, there is still much of interest to wildlife here. Dolforwyn Woods today is an interesting mixed woodland supporting a range of woodland plants, including good numbers of the uncommon Herb Paris. Declining woodland birds, such as Pied Flycatcher and Wood Warbler, breed here and a good population of dormice call the place home.
The wood is filled with flowers and birdsong in the Spring, whilst the autumn lures you with bountiful fungi and spectacular colours!
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