Photo: © Tamasine Stretton

Dyfnant Meadows Nature Reserve in summer © MWT/Tammy Stretton

Dyfnant Meadows Nature Reserve in autumn © MWT/Tammy Stretton

Dyfnant Meadows Nature Reserve in spring © MWT/Tammy Stretton
Dyfnant Meadows
Gwybod cyn i chi fynd
Pryd i ymweld
Amseroedd agor
Open at all timesAmser gorau i ymweld
April to JulyAm dan y warchodfa
Surrounded by forestry, Dyfnant Meadows is a small area of unimproved hill pasture. The fields are surrounded by ancient hedgerows and there is a wooded dingle alongside a stream. Part of the reserve is designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), in recognition of the species-rich acid grassland, supporting species like Tormentil, Heath Bedstraw & lousewort. In wetter areas, Devil's-bit Scabious and Common Butterwort nestle among sedges and rushes. The wooded dingle of oak and birch, 'drips' with mosses, ferns and lichens and is alive with bird song in the Spring. Dormice also make their home here.
To enjoy the variety of birds, Spring is hard to beat, but wildflowers abound in Summer. Look out for colourful waxcap fungi in the autumn.
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