The unpleasant, astringent smell of Hedge woundwort makes this medium-sized plant of woodlands, hedgerows and roadside verges stand out from the crowd.
Growing in woodlands and along hedgerows and roadside verges, Hedge woundwort is a common, perhaps unremarkable, plant with one defining feature - its unpleasant and astringent smell. This smell is particularly apparent when the plant is crushed. Magenta flowers appear between June and October and are pollinated by bees. Once the seed is dispersed, the plant also spreads vigorously using its underground rhizomes (stems).
Sut i'w hadnabod
Hedge woundwort has hairy stems that bear whorls of 'hooded', magenta-pink flowers with white markings. Its hairy leaves are dark green, heart-shaped and toothed.
Roeddech chi yn gwybod?
The Bronze shield bug can often be found feeding on Hedge woundwort.