Flowering rush

Flowering Rush

©Karen Lloyd

Flowering rush

Flowering rush is a pretty rush-like plant of shallow wetland habitats, such as ponds, canals and ditches. Its cup-shaped, pink flowers appear in summer, brightening up the water's edge.

Enw gwyddonol

Butomus umbellatus

Pryd i'w gweld

July to August

Gwybodaeth am rywogaethau


Height: up to 1m



Flowering rush is an attractive and striking perennial plant of shallow water and wetland margins. Its upright, green stems display clusters of bright pink flowers from July to August, and its leaves are long and grass-like. It spreads with creeping rhizomes (underground stems).

Sut i'w hadnabod

Flowering rush is a tall, rush-like plant that displays a clustered flower head with cup-shaped flowers; the flowers have three pale pink petals, interspersed with three dark pink sepals. It has long, narrow, green leaves and can form large stands.



Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

Flowering rush is actually not a member of the rush family, but has a family all to itself! It was accidentally introduced into North America, where it has become an aggressively invasive species.