©Richard Burkmarr
Azure damselfly
The Azure damselfly is a pale blue, small damselfly that is commonly found around most waterbodies from May to September. Try digging a wildlife pond in your garden to attract damselflies and dragonflies.
Enw gwyddonol
Coenagrion puellaPryd i'w gweld
May to SeptemberGwybodaeth am rywogaethau
The Azure damselfly is a small blue damselfly that is very common around most waterbodies and can also be found away from breeding sites in grassland and woodland. It is on the wing from the end of May through to September. Damselflies do not fly as strongly as dragonflies, so tend to lay in wait for their insect prey before catching it in mid-air with their legs. They will return to their perch to eat their prey.Sut i'w hadnabod
The Azure damselfly is pale blue with bands of black along the body. To identify the small blue damselflies, of which there are seven species in the UK, it helps to concentrate on the pattern on the second segment of the males' abdomen, just behind the thorax. In the Azure damselfly, this segment is blue with a black U-shape.Dosbarthiad
Widespread, but absent from North Scotland.In our area
Like the very similar Common Blue Damselfly, the Azure Damselfly is common and widespread in Montgomeryshire.
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One of the most common damselflies in Europe, the Azure damselfly can be found from Scandinavia to North Africa.Like the very similar Common Blue Damselfly, the Azure Damselfly is common and widespread in Montgomeryshire.