Common couch

Elymus repens, Couch-grass

Brian Eversham

Common couch

Common couch is a tall, tuft-forming grass of roadside verges, waste ground and arable land. It is very tough and can shade out more delicate plants. Look for flat, blade-like leaves and thin flower spikes.

Enw gwyddonol

Elytrigia repens

Pryd i'w gweld

January to December

Gwybodaeth am rywogaethau


Height: up to 1.5m


Common couch is an abundant, tuft-forming grass of cultivated ground, waste ground, roadside verges and other rough ground. It flowers from June to August, and has long, tough roots, helping it to spread from hedges and field margins into crops, becoming a nuisance to farmers. It can form dense stands that shade out other, more delicate grasses and plants, but it does provide food for the larvae of Speckled Wood and Ringlet butterflies.

Sut i'w hadnabod

Common couch has green, fat, blade-like leaves, but long, thin flower spikes. Tiny, golden spikelets appear at the ends of the stems in rows.



Roeddech chi yn gwybod?

Common couch is also locally known as 'twitch', 'couch grass', 'wickens' and 'Grandmother grass'. Its roots are known to be a mild diuretic and were gathered for this purpose during the Second World War.