Diversity in Equine Nutrition

Picture of horses in a paddock

Diversity in Equine Nutrition

The Raven Inn, Raven Square, Welshpool SY21 7LT, SY21 7LT
Join us for an informative evening of expert talks on providing diverse nutrition for your horse - perfect for equestrians and farmers

Manylion y digwyddiad


6:00pm - 8:00pm
A static map of Diversity in Equine Nutrition

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

Calling all equestrians and farmers... Join us to find out about providing quality forage for your horse, and growing a marketable crop while ensuring pasture resilience.

Taking place as part of the Grassland Communities project, this free evening event will include talks from equine nutritionist Karen Parsons and Will Barnes from local seed supplier, Powys Leys.

The event would be ideal for farmers preparing for the Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

A buffet will be provided.

To book your space, send a message via WhatsApp to: 07777 801053, or contact Ceri via email at ceri@montwt.co.uk


Rhif ffôn

07777 801053

Yn addas ar gyfer

Oedolion, Arbenigwyr

Gwybod cyn i chi fynd



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