42nd Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust AGM

Upland lake surrounded by heather moorland, with MWT logo overlaid

42nd Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust AGM

Plas Dolerw, Milford Road, Newtown, Powys, SY16 2EH
Join us for the 42st Annual General Meeting of Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Limited, at 7pm on Tuesday 15th October 2024 at Plas Dolerw in Newtown.

Manylion y digwyddiad


7:00pm - 9:00pm
A static map of 42nd Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust AGM

Ynglŷn â'r digwyddiad

MWT will be holding its Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 15th October 2024 at 7pm at Plas Dolerw, Newtown. We're delighted to welcome guest speaker Ifan Davies who will be giving a fascinating talk on the Nature Friendly Farming Network (NFFN).

The meeting is open to all but only members of the Trust will be able to vote. 

If possible, please contact eley@montwt.co.uk in advance and provide your name(s) and membership number to book your place.

The AGM Agenda, Annual Review 2023/24, Proxy Vote form and previous AGM minutes are available below. The Annual Accounts 2023/24 will also be available online shortly.

If you are unable to attend the meeting, please consider using a Proxy Vote.  The AGM is a legal requirement for the Trust and members are asked to vote at the AGM on several agenda items including the adoption of the Annual Accounts and the election of new Trustees. If we fail to reach a quorum of members we cannot vote on these matters. 


Gwybod cyn i chi fynd


Cŵn tywys yn unig


Plas Dolerw is fully accessible


Mynediad i gadeiriau olwyn



Caffi / lluniaeth
Toiled i'r anabl
Disabled parking

Cysylltwch â ni

Eley Hart
Rhif Cyswllt: 01938 555654
Cysylltu e-bost: eley@montwt.co.uk