Become a warden

Volunteer counting Konik horse (Equus caballus) Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire copyright Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Konik horse (Equus caballus) Wicken Fen, Cambridgeshire. Grazing Warden Carol Laidlaw and Volunteer Maddy Downes (Carol in photo) conduct a daily behavioural study of the konik herd. Model Released. - Terry Whittaker/2020VISION

Nature reserve wardening

Wardens are our eyes and ears on the ground!

As a small charity with limited resources, we cannot be everywhere all the time! Our 18 nature reserves need protection and management. We also need to gather information about the quality of the habitats and species living there. This is where our nature reserve wardens come in.

Warden & visitors enjoy Roundton Hill National Nature Reserve copyright Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

Warden & visitors enjoy Roundton Hill National Nature Reserve © MWT/Tammy Stretton

Regular visits


As a minimum, we need wardens to visit their site once a month and report back to the Trust about what they find.

Volunteer examining the flora of a Local Wildlife Site copyright Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust

Volunteer examining the flora of a Local Wildlife Site © MWT/Tammy Stretton

Follow your interests


Habitat management, site maintenance, surveys, litter picking, events; these are just a few other things volunteer wardens help with. Do what you enjoy or develop new skills.

Each nature reserve has a single warden; additional support will be welcomed in the form of reserve volunteers, who are free to give what time they can and will work with the warden.

If you are interested in becoming a nature reserve warden, please fill out online questionnaire below. Alternatively, download and fill out the volunteer enrolment form or contact us for further information.

Find a nature reserve

1. About you

2. Please explain why you would like to be a Volunteer Warden

3. Is there a particular nature reserve you would like to warden?

We will honour preference, where possible, but please note that a site may already have a warden.
NR preference list

4. Have you been to your preferred reserve(s) before?

5. How much time could you devote to wardening?

6. How often would you visit the reserve?

7. Would you be willing to walk round the entire boundary, if necessary?

8. Do you like talking to people?

9. Would you be willing to engage with other volunteers to undertake tasks on the reserve?

10. Would you be willing to undertake any of these optional tasks?

Tick all that apply
Optional tasks checkboxes
(where applicable)
(please specify)

11. Would you be willing to warden another nature reserve instead?

12. Please specify any support needs you may require.

13. Please feel free to detail any experience/qualifications which could help the Trust

for example, species licences, work for similar organisations, etc.

14. Please use the following box to add any further information, which you feel is relevant

This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Volunteer enrolment form

Need more help?

Contact Sandy Scott

Membership Officer

email: or call 01938 555654

Contact Janine Pannett

Volunteer Development Officer - Dyfi Osprey Project

(if your query relates to Cors Dyfi)

email: or call 01654 781414.