Project Celebration - Welshpool Fairway to Haven
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Join us for a project celebration at Welshpool Golf Club, for a look back at what we have achieved!
7 results
Join us for a project celebration at Welshpool Golf Club, for a look back at what we have achieved!
Discover Woodland Wildlife and Boost Your Wellbeing This Spring!
Join MWT Bird Group for a spring outing to RSPB Burton Mere Wetlands on the Dee Estuary
A free 3 hour bee inspired tile mosaic workshop for 10-17 year olds.
Join Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust for an uplifting morning stroll around Gregynog’s woodland to find out about the birds that call the estate home, and to soak up the sounds of spring birdsong.…
Join MWT Bird Group for an early morning walk up Breidden Hill to Rodney's Pillar to enjoy early morning birdsong
7 results