MWT Wildlife Gardening Scheme

Wildlife garden in Mid Wales copyright Tamasine Stretton

Wildlife garden in Mid Wales © Tamasine Stretton

Are you a wildlife gardening hero?

Is your garden a haven for wildlife?

Do you provide homes for hedgehogs, food for finches and safe areas for slow-worms? Then the MWT Wildlife Gardening Scheme needs you!

Below is a list of wildlife friendly targets under the headings of 'Resources', 'Habitats' and 'Management'. Send us photos which confirm you hit at least 5 of these targets (with at least one from each category) to receive your award plaque.


Email your photos

Insect home in a wildlife garden copyright Heidi Addicott


Bird bath

Bird or mammal box

Minibeast home

Nectar-rich flower border & bushes

Fruit bearing tree or shrub

Feeding station

Raised wildlife pond full of plants copyright Sue Bosson


Wildflower meadow

Long grass area

Mixed native hedge

Wildlife pond

Bog or permanently wet area

Wooden compost heap surrounded by plants and flowers in a wildlife garden copyright Sue Bosson


Log pile or large decaying tree stump

Compost heap

No-go area

Climbing plants/hedges suitable for nesting & feeding

Peat free

Chemical free

Has your garden got what it takes to qualify? Email your evidence now!


Encourage your neighbours and friends to make room for wildlife in their gardens and they could qualify for a plaque too!

Looking for inspiration for making space for nature in your garden?

Whether you already qualify or not, there is always more you can do for wildlife in your garden! Here are some ideas. Head to for many more!

Make an even bigger impact! Support MWT!