Wildlife garden in Mid Wales © Tamasine Stretton
Are you a wildlife gardening hero?
Is your garden a haven for wildlife?
Do you provide homes for hedgehogs, food for finches and safe areas for slow-worms? Then the MWT Wildlife Gardening Scheme needs you!
Below is a list of wildlife friendly targets under the headings of 'Resources', 'Habitats' and 'Management'. Send us photos which confirm you hit at least 5 of these targets (with at least one from each category) to receive your award plaque.
Has your garden got what it takes to qualify? Email your evidence now!
Encourage your neighbours and friends to make room for wildlife in their gardens and they could qualify for a plaque too!
Looking for inspiration for making space for nature in your garden?
Whether you already qualify or not, there is always more you can do for wildlife in your garden! Here are some ideas. Head to montwt.co.uk/actions for many more!