MWT works in partnership with other environmental organisations and community groups to extend the scope of our work for wildlife across Montgomeryshire. Some of these are MWT Local Groups, constituted groups receiving direct support from the Trust. Others are Associated Partners or groups that work with specific habitats or species. One thing we all have in common is our belief that Montgomeryshire is a very special place for wildlife
MWT Bird Group
The Trust’s longest running Local Group, MWT Bird Group meets on the third Wednesday of each month between September and March to educate, fascinate and celebrate the world of birds. A wide range of respected speakers cover local and international bird species, with everyone welcome from absolute beginners to seasoned bird watchers. The MWT Bird Group also organise visits to nature reserves and bird sanctuaries during the summer. For meeting dates and contact details please visit the MWT Bird Group page.

Friends of Deri Woods (FODW)
The Friends of Deri Woods Local Group is a collaboration between Llanfair Caereinion Town Council, who own the woodland, and MWT who provide management advice and support to the dedicated FODW volunteers. The group’s main aims are to manage the habitats found in this lovely woodland for the benefit of wildlife, and to offer a volunteering opportunity for local people keen to learn new skills, make friends and engage with nature. For more information on the group, and details of how to join, please contact Nick Burton.
Friends of Severn Farm Pond
A passion for caring for our smallest nature reserve has brought together the Friends of Severn Farm Pond. The volunteer group meet every Friday at this urban oasis on the outskirts of Welshpool's industrial estate to get stuck into activities that improve this wild space for wildlife and the local community, while also promoting their own wellbeing. Tasks include practical conservation, observing and recording wildlife, reserve maintenance and sustainable green woodworking. The group also run a small enterprise making sustainable hand-crafted items to sell in the MWT Welshpool shop and at local events to raise money to upskill group members with conservation knowledge and skills. New group members are always welcome - for further information, email the Wild Skills Wild Spaces team on:

A few of the Friends of Severn Farm Pond volunteer group stand outside the Nature & Wellbeing hub with the planters and insect hotels they've created as part of the social enterprise
Montgomeryshire Habitat Management Group (MHMG)
Starting as a MWT Local Group as part of MWT’s Green Connections project, the Montgomeryshire Habitat Management Group (MHMG) have gone from strength to strength and are now a stand-alone organisation and Associated Partner of the Trust. The MHMG provides a forum for anyone interested in the management of land for the benefit of wildlife, and is of particular value to landowners looking for support and inspiration to generate and maintain habitats on their land. The group aims to share knowledge, experience, skills, ideas and resources to improve biodiversity across Montgomeryshire. This is an aim shared by MWT who continue to support the MHMG in their endeavours. For more information or to join the group, visit:

Montgomeryshire Habitats Management Group visiting a site Photo: Harriet Woodcock
Montgomeryshire Moth Group
The Montgomeryshire Moth Group (MMG) identify moth species found within the county, where they are under-recorded. The group also organise activities and events throughout the year, at various locations throughout the county, including MWT nature reserves. For more information or to join the group, visit:

A moth is identified at a nighttime event held by Montgomeryshire Moth Group at Coed Pendugwm Nature Reserve
Montgomeryshire Bat Group
Running activities based around the annual life cycle of bats, such as monitoring and evening bat walks, the Montgomeryshire Bat Group aim to increase knowledge of our only winged mammal within the county. While Montgomeryshire has at least 11 of the 17 species considered resident in the UK, and considerable bat-friendly habitat, but there are many unanswered questions about how and where bats live. The group contribute to the National Bat Monitoring Program (NBMP), run by the Bat Conservation Trust, which is used to estimate national populations and clarify long-term population trends. For more information or to join the group, visit:

The Montgomeryshire Field Society
The Montgomeryshire Field Society has been surveying and reporting on the state of flora and fauna in the county for more than 75 years. Their findings have informed the creation of conservation policies and helped measure the changes humankind and climate change are having on our wildlife. The society – who undertake regular surveys on nature reserves, SSSIs and other protected sites during the warmer months, and organise talks from experts in the winter – welcome new members keen to assist with surveys and gain specialist knowledge from older members. For more information or to join the group, visit: