© Evie and Tom Photography
We want YOU on our Team Wilder!
We are all facing a crisis for our natural world. The Wildlife Trusts want both wildlife and people to benefit from a healthy environment. We’re restoring broken ecosystems and returning missing species. We are putting nature's recovery at the heart of everything we do.
We want to bring back nature into our villages, towns and cities, but we can’t do this alone. We need your help to create a community of people from all walks of life sharing the same goal – to piece together the wildlife jigsaw, fight climate change and help nature bounce back!
Nextdoor Nature
Nextdoor Nature is Team Wilder's latest project. Funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund, it aims to empower communities to take action to help nature flourish where they live and work. Nextdoor Nature will provide people with the advice and support they need to help nature on their doorstep, and leave a lasting natural legacy in honour of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Photo: © Paul Harris/2020Vision
What can you do to help?
You might be an individual building a wildlife pond in your garden, a school planting native wildflowers, or a social group making bird boxes - every action, however small, is valid.
While taking action to reclaim green spaces, or create new ones, can be daunting, Team Wilder can help you by connecting you with other like-minded people and providing training and resources in setting yourselves up.
How can I get involved NOW?
You can get involved straight away. Just share your action for wildlife, whether big or small, on social media using the hashtags #WilderMont #TeamWilder #TeamWilderCymru and we can start building momentum.

Photo: © Jon Hawkins, Surrey Hills Photography
Become a Wilder Community Leader
Do you currently belong to a community group that you think could be doing more for nature? Or would you like to set up a group in your local area, but don't know where to start? As a Wilder Community Leader, the Trust will support and guide you through your Wilder journey. This is not an official Trust volunteer role; this is something that you will lead on and the Trust will support where we can.