Bird Group Talk by Simon Boyes - Birds of Paradise in New Guinea
Event details
About the event
Having spent his working life leading more than 300 bird tours all over the world, including numerous voyages to the Polar regions as ship's ornithologist, Montgomeryshire County Bird Recorder Simon Boyes has some fascinating adventures to recount.
This presentation will focus on four visits to New Guinea, a vast and fascinating island north of Australia where 839 languages are spoken! Simon will talk a little about the island's geography and anthropology, but concentrate mainly on its bird-life, especially Birds of Paradise.
Everyone is welcome, and the entrance fee of £3 includes the talk (free for under 18s), light refreshments, and the opportunity to chat with like-minded folk and the speakers themselves. We usually have a raffle, so please bring a prize if you are able to (£1 per ticket). We look forward to seeing you there!