Dyfi Osprey named best environment project in the UK, August 2015
National Lottery Heritage Fund
What is the National Lottery? The National Lottery – and with it National Lottery funding for good causes like heritage, arts, sport and charities – was established in 1994. Every ticket sold contributes funds to good causes across the UK.
635+ Wildlife Trust projects supported since 1994
Every eligible Wildlife Trust has been supported
Thousands of young people closer to nature
Thousands of hectares of land acquired
National Lottery funding through the National Lottery Heritage Fund is one of The Wildlife Trusts most important sources of income and has helped us to achieve many amazing things for people and wildlife over the years.
About the National Lottery Heritage Fund
The National Lottery Heritage Fund is the largest dedicated funder of heritage in the UK.
Since its creation in 1994, The Wildlife Trusts have worked closely with the National Lottery Heritage Fund to connect people to nature and each other, save precious wildlife-rich places, create new woodlands, wetlands, meadows and many other habitats and protect rare and endangered species.
The National Lottery Heritage Fund has invested a total of £7.1bn in 40,000 heritage projects. The hundreds of Wildlife Trust projects across the UK supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund have benefited thousands of people from all walks of life – helping them to experience the joy of wildlife in their daily lives; from children and young people to older generations; from those living in urban areas to those in the countryside, or by the coast.
Players of the National Lottery are helping Wildlife Trusts throughout the UK give a new lease of life to wildlife and wild places, and ignite the passions of individuals and communities to care for the wildlife on their doorstepThe Wildlife Trusts
How National Lottery Heritage Fund has helped Wildlife Trusts transform places and lives
Since 1994, National Lottery players have helped every eligible Wildlife Trust (that’s 44, by the way!) right across the UK deliver over 600 projects using money awarded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund. This has helped Wildlife Trusts to work alongside volunteers and other members of the local community to transform areas ranging from city roadside verges to vast areas of land and coast. Involving local communities does not just benefit wildlife – it also helps people to reconnect with local wild places, people experience improved health and wellbeing and it helps them to help themselves and others by learning new life skills or about subjects that can help society as a whole.
Dyfi Wildlife Centre
In June 2018 we secured funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund for an exciting new project at our Cors Dyfi Nature Reserve.
This project will create a flagship ‘Dyfi Wildlife Centre’ on the banks of the Dyfi River, one of the few lowland peat bog habitats remaining in Wales.
A centre based on astute environmental and sustainable technologies with carbon-positive performance, it will pull together all the amenities of the current Dyfi Osprey Project under one roof, giving a far richer and immersive experience for visitors and volunteers alike.
The centre will be developed and built from the outset based on community involvement and participation. From consultation and decision-making to the actual construction and operation, the community will have a stake at every stage.
Showcasing the reserve's rich biodiversity including the Dyfi ospreys, a team of staff and 200 volunteers will communicate the cultural, industrial and natural heritage of the Dyfi River for the first time in a pioneering centre attracting 60,000 visitors annually.

Artists impression of the Dyfi Wildlife Centre