Potter Group
Group activities
My local takeaway
At dusk, when Dan’s done sharing his love for nature with others, he follows the terns and goes fishing and foraging for dinner. And often cooks it on the beach.
Local Wildlife Sites
Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Bird Group
Red grouse
The red grouse is an umistakeable bird - plump and round, with a gingery-red body as its name suggests. Found on upland heathlands, it is under threat from the nationwide, dramatic loss of these…
Black grouse
The male black grouse, or 'blackcock', is famed for its display behaviour, known as 'lekking'. A sight to behold, it fans out its tail and struts its stuff to show its…
Violet ground beetle
Violet ground beetles are active predators, coming out at night to hunt slugs and other invertebrates in gardens, woodlands and meadows.
Bird Group Talk by Katie Appleby - Curlew Conservation in Montgomeryshire
In this fascinating talk, Katie Appleby from Curlew Connections Wales will be reflecting on the highs and lows of the 2024 Curlew breeding season, using technology to aid conservation efforts, and…
Bird Group Talk by Naomi Davis - Make Your Birdwatching Count!
Looking for a new birdwatching challenge in 2025? Join Naomi Davis from British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) in Ceredigion as they explore how you can make your birdwatching count!
Common dolphin
These energetic dolphins are often spotted in large groups which will approach boats, bowriding and leaping alongside. At sea, they can form superpods - huge groups made up of thousands of…