Robin on the floor © Tom Hibbert
MWT Garden Bird Survey
About the survey
The Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust Garden Bird Survey has been running in the same format for over 30 years, providing an important insight into garden bird presence across the county, as well as relative frequency of each species seen. The survey is not a definitive scientific study, but it gives us a good indication of the state of Montgomeryshire's garden birds.
Each person taking part in the survey records the species they see weekly, within 500m from a set point (normally their garden). The survey is split into two parts, one for summer (April to Sept) and the other for winter, spanning two calendar years (October to March).
The forms have been updated
- The scoring system has been removed; participants are now invited to write the maximum number of each species they saw/heard each week, but a simple tick against the species is also welcome.
There's now no need to add up totals at the end of each survey; simply fill out your form each week and once complete, send back as specified on the form.
The species listed on each form has been updated to better reflect what people typically record, whilst retaining space at the end to add your own.
The survey now welcomes more than just bird sightings; we're very interested in all the wildlife you see in your garden, so please feel free to let us know in the box provided.
The MWT Garden Bird Survey is a really useful tool in helping monitor the county's birds. It's heartening that numbers of people taking part in the survey are increasing, as the more of you who get involved the merrier. These surveys help the county recorder to compile the Annual Bird Reports (which can be found here: http://montgomerybirdblog.blogspot.com/p/county-reports.html). Records from the west of the County are especially welcome.
To take part, simply download the relevant form below and follow the instructions.
Thank you for your help!