People's Postcode Lottery
People's Postcode Lottery is a charity lottery in Great Britain where players play with their postcodes to win cash prizes while raising money for charities. The support Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust has received from funding raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, and awarded through Postcode Planet Trust, has allowed us to carry out some invaluable work, enabling us to inspire the next generation of wildlife-lovers, take care of wonderful places for wildlife and support our many brilliant volunteers.
To find out more about how players of People’s Postcode Lottery support The Wildlife Trusts, click here.
Players of People’s Postcode Lottery have helped support the work of the Trust for many years, funding a huge array of different conservation activities, from woodland restoration to engaging young people with nature through art.
Previously, PPL funding enabled us to purchase a 4x4 vehicle which can cope with the varied terrain found on our nature reserves. The Mitsubishi truck has ample space for transporting materials and equipment necessary for maintenance work and habitat creation, while the extra seating allows us to be more inclusive in our volunteering opportunities (as we can offer transportation to volunteers who need it).
In addition, PPL funding was used to enable MWT to calculate our carbon footprint and to develop a Carbon Reduction Strategy and associated Action Plan, designed to reduce our day to day emissions as much as we can, to strive to meet our target of net zero by 2030.

Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly © Montgomeryshire Wildlife Trust
In 2022, players of the People's Postcode Lottery have provided us with funding to help conserve one of Montgomeryshire's most precious species, the Pearl-bordered Fritillary butterfly. Specifically, the money paid for an Engagement Officer to work on our Pathways for Pearls project to highlight the butterfly and its importance in the Welshpool area, and to speak with local landowners about what they can do to help this rare species.
In 2023/24, support from players helped us to fund part of a mix of on the ground conservation work and community engagement. Funding supported surveys on reserves and weekly habitat management volunteer work parties at Cors Dyfi over winter. The funded community engagement work enabled us to run several family sessions out in nature, and to support community groups to take action for wildlife in their area.
This year, funding raised by players will again help us to fund wildlife surveys on our reserves, specifically Hazel Dormouse surveys, and community action in the local area, with a specific focus on the Common Swift.

Photo: © Erinna Miles