Bird Group Talk by Katie Appleby - Curlew Conservation in Montgomeryshire
Event details
About the event
Katie Appleby is the Curlew and People Officer for the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust in Montgomeryshire and North Radnorshire.
Katie spent the 2023 season working with Curlew in Northern Ireland before returning closer to home to work with these much-loved birds in Mid Wales for Curlew Connections Wales (which is funded via Nature Networks Fund by the Heritage Lottery fund and Welsh Government in three areas of Wales). With the first season under their hats, they're beginning to understand the pressures on Welsh breeding Curlew, work with farmers and landowners to halt the decline these birds are currently experiencing, and hopefully increase numbers of Curlew chicks successfully fledging.
In this talk, Katie will shine a light on the findings from the 2024 Curlew breeding season, the use of technology to help conservation work over such a large area, the challenges she faced, and how the team are looking ahead to the 2025 breeding season.
It promises to be a fascinating talk for anyone interested in these wonderful waders, or indeed birds more generally.
Everyone is welcome, and the entrance fee of £3 includes the talk (free for under 18s), light refreshments, and the opportunity to chat with like-minded folk and the speakers themselves. We usually have a raffle, so please bring a prize if you are able to (£1 per ticket). We look forward to seeing you there!